Meet the Devotees in our New Shop!

We are excited to announce the opening of the Borgo Boutique Shop featuring original DEVOTEES saint T-shirts. Continue reading to discover the strange (yet true) story behind the project

Walking through the renovations of our Tuscan apartments, located in a Franciscan monastery from the 1200’s, one can’t help but feel a connection to those who once shared these spaces.

I was never a religious person, but an unsettling dream planted a seed in my mind. In the dream, a monk-like figure appeared to me. He did not say a word but the numbers above his head foretold the exact day of my impending death, 18 months into the future. When I woke up, I told my new girlfriend (now my wife) about the dream. She agreed that it was indeed strange but couldn’t talk much. She had to help her mother take the dogs to church for “the blessing”. It was, as she said, the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi.

Blessings the dogs?
St. Francis? What are you talking about?!

When she left, I Googled St. Francis and found paintings and information about the man. He looked similar to the monk in my dream and as it turned out he was also the patron saint of animals. What did this all mean?

Jump ahead 18 months – only 1 week before my “death date”. The metal plates in my arm kept breaking as a result of a broken arm not healing. I received a call from the hospital. There was a last minute cancellation and they asked me to come in for surgery. It was only 4 days before the death date. Somewhat spooked, I presented myself at the hospital, overcoming any superstitious concerns… I subscribe to the scientific method after all.

The first red flag was raised when the hospital staff had no clue who I was or why I was there. Then a fire alarm mysteriously went-off while an angry nurse berated me to get back in my room (I didn’t have a room yet and was wandering the halls). I took this as a clear warning sign… literal alarms bells!

Once the alarm was silenced, a doctor approached and apologized for the confusion… they had everything “sorted-out” and were ready to operate on my right arm. This was the 3rd and final sign. Wrong arm. The surgery was meant to be on the left arm. Heeding the dream’s warning, I quickly left the hospital. Better safe than sorry.


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Years later my wife bought her first Italian property. It was oddly coincidental that the property was part of a former Franciscan monastery, further fueling the curiosity for the man in my dream. I began researching St. Francis which eventually led me down the rabbit-hole of saints in general. I was amazed by the historical accounts of regular people who experienced extra-ordinary circumstances.

Delving deeper into the lives of these men and women, I quickly realized these stories still held lessons we could learn from today. The connection of patron saints to particular subject matter was especially interesting (if not sometimes ironic). As it turns out there’s a patron saint for just about anything. Take for example St. Joseph Cupertino; an Italian Friar from the 1600’s. Acknowledged as being “remarkably unclever”, Joseph would pray, fall into trances of ecstasy and then levitate a few feet off the ground. Over 70 documented incidents of this exist. Because of his levitation, Cupertino is connected to flight and is now regarded as the patron saint of Astronauts, Pilots, air travelers and those with learning disabilities. Interesting how that worked out.

Devotees Saintly T-shirts

Whether you are a religious person or not, acts of devotion & bravery in the face of adversity & ridicule serve as examples that transcend time, space and religious belief. They can serve as a source of strength in our own personal journeys.

Intrigued by these stories I was inspired to combine the new-found curiosity for saints with my passion for storytelling and creating imagery. The DEVOTEES t-shirt project was born. Using humor, irony and graphic design, patron saints are depicted in the context of contemporary people.

We hope you enjoy the first Devotees series as much as we enjoyed creating it. We have designed 12 Devotees and are starting with the initial release of four. Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in the loop for new Devotees drops.

Beautiful Vacation Properties in Suvereto

Handmade Shoes & the Art of “Made in Italy”

The label “Made in Italy” evokes thoughts of style, quality and craftsmanship.

Recent visits to Italy had left me skeptical of the phrase as a marketing ploy used to target unsuspecting foreigners. In an age of Globalization, marketers allude to Italian Design, Italian flavour & Italian ‘Inspired’ as a short-hand for Italy’s real secret sauce: Passion.

Even genuine Italian products are likely mass-produced. Far-removed from the idyllic notion of an artisan skillfully crafting something by hand.

Then, like fog dissipating under the Tuscan sun, my cynicism evaporated as I entered an authentic shoe makers’ workshop. Discovering Diego Daddi’s leather shop, “Quel Pellaio di Diego” in Suvereto is a revelation.

I met up with Diego as he made a pair of bespoke men’s shoes.

First thing’s first: Diego looks wild. He is a combination of rock star and mad-scientist with hair that appears to be (in-part) styled by electric shock.

I would be a lying if I were to say I wasn’t a little intimidated by the man. The locals warned me Diego could be a bit prickly. Instead, as someone who designs and makes things myself, I discover someone I instantly connect with:
A Creator.

Born from the Land

For the first few minutes I watch as Diego positions various pieces of leather over a dummy foot.
Like a tailored suit, each leather panel is cut to simultaneously follow form and to create style and structure.
After each adjustment Diego pauses to inspect the work-in-progress with his critical eye.

Hand-crafting a shoe is both a manufacturing process and an art. In fact, the process itself is contradictory: It is both introspective yet intensely physical.

Pushing a large needle and thread through leather and sole requires strength. 
Diegos’ forearms strain as he pushes a needle through layers of leather, then pulls the thread tightly to fasten the pieces together. I interrupt his concentration with a question:

“Tell me about the leather. Where do you get it from?”

Diego replies, “It is sourced locally of course, right here in the Maremma.”

Tuscany is renown for its bovine products; from its famous Florentine steak to designer leather goods. 
The Maremma region in southern Tuscany, is often called Italy’s last wild frontier.

To this day, real Cowboys (Butteri) still exist in the Maremma, roaming the region’s wild landscapes and herding their cattle according to centuries-old customs and tradition. 

It’s only natural that traditional crafts such shoe making still exist in places where people are still intimately connected to the land.

Diego Daddi was born and lives in the small mediaeval village of Suvereto where he runs his small artisan workshop.

“I began this journey in 2009 thanks to a very lucky and chance meeting, in the historic village of Magliano in Tuscany, with the master Mario Maretti. I owe him everything, both for what I created myself and for the art that he gave me.”

Tradition versus the Modern World

Wandering through the workshop with my camera, I notice a customer enter the shop. The customer, a local elderly gentleman, greets Diego before gesturing to the contents of his plastic bag.

“Can you help me? My shoe needs repair.“

Cordially, Diego replies, “Sure, let’s have a look.”

Reaching into his bag, the old man takes out an inexpensive, “discount store” running shoe. He points to the nylon-mesh upper which has torn above the injection-moulded plastic sole.

Looking up from the low-hanging glasses perched on the tip of his nose, Diego looks over at me with a defeated expression.
Focusing his attention back to the customer, Diego politely answers, “I’m sorry sir, unfortunately these are not repairable.”

The meaning of the moment is not lost on me. It embodies the experience of being an artisan in the modern world.

As industrialization chokes our environment and inundates the world with disposable “stuff”, independent creators like Diego become increasingly rare. They are simultaneously less important to the masses (motivated by low cost) and yet increasingly important to those who value the craftsmanship and individuality of the human hand.

Traditional “Made in Italy” still exists but is becoming less common.
Perhaps this particular style of “Made in Italy” requires a way of describing it as something more magical.
Maybe something like…
“Made well, with passion and tradition by really special people who also happen to be Italian”.
Isn’t that what we all really want to hear?

Unfortunately that maybe too long to fit on a label.

You can visit Diego’s shop at

He is taking orders and shipping internationally.